Provide Your Team with The Tools To Succeed.
We deliver learning experiences for teams and businesses seeking to thrive in the modern world.

Develop new evolutionary skills to face organisational challenges
Building resilience through humour
Research has shown that resilience is not extraordinary. It is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It is a learned ability that you can build, like humour. When you find yourself facing unwelcome change, having someone tell you to look for the humour in your situation may be the last thing you want to hear, but it may be just what you need to hear. Don’t waste precious time in a self-pity party. Learn how Humour gives you the ability to avoid feelings of negativity and helplessness so you’re better able to see what needs to be done to move forward.
NB Spots are limited to 12 attendees to ensure training quality.

All our trainings are available Online or Offline
How to network with humour

All our trainings are available Online or Offline
People who learn to network successfully are prized in the job market. Networking is not only about building relationships; we want to be leaving every interaction or conversation with the other person thinking ‘What an interesting person!’. Your sense of humour can make you memorable. But is it working at its best for social situations where you need to interact with guests you don’t know? Fortunately, there are practical ideas we can engage with to learn how to use humour to build real connections in a networking context.
NB Spots are limited to 12 attendees to ensure training quality
International humour
Do you want to avoid costly cultural awareness mistakes while improving your communication?
Certain types of humour are more commonly used in particular international and multicultural circumstances than others. In this session, we focus on how humour transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries.
NB Spots are limited to 12 attendees to ensure training quality.

All our trainings are available Online or Offline
Humour, you meetings’ secret weapon

All our trainings are available Online or Offline
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of meetings is boredom. Many would agree that meetings are stressful and a waste of time; But this is not an obligation. What if you could add just one element to your meetings that would … stimulate learning, attention, confidence, energy, adaptability, memory, collaboration and optimism; reduce fear, stress and resistance to change; and help create safer and more inclusive teams even remotely?
NB Spots are limited to 12 attendees to ensure training quality.
Humour To Foster Diversity & Inclusion
Do you want your company to achieve greater productivity, profit and staff morale while tackling diversity issues?
Today, the key to personal and professional success lies in our interpersonal skills and our capacity to handle relationships judiciously and empathetically. In this session, we focus on how humour is a powerful leadership tool for diversity and give solutions to improve inclusion and positive interactions in the workplace.
NB Spots are limited to 12 attendees to ensure training quality

All our trainings are available Online or Offline
The Art Of The Comeback

All our trainings are available Online or Offline
We’ve all been there. Your coworker mocks you and you stand humiliated as laughter fills the room, your mind searching frantically for the perfect riposte. It’s only later that you think of the comeback. But the moment has passed. No one is born a comeback expert. It takes trial and error. But if you don’t know how to respond effectively to situations, you’re going to get burned. It is an essential effective communication skill and should be part of your workplace surviving kit.
NB Spots are limited to 12 attendees to ensure training quality.
Learn from
One Of The World Top Expert in Humour & Leadership

Dr Vanessa Marcie
CEO And Founder